• June


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Artificial Grass – Before and After

Artificial Grass – Before and After

Thinking of adding some artificial grass to your garden this summer? We’ve taken before and after photographs of one of our recent artificial grass installations, courtesy of the team here at County Windows.

Artificial Grass Before

We are very happy with the response we’ve received following the launch of this new product range from happy customers, with results like this transforming garden spaces with a stylish finish!

Artificial Grass After

OK – It looks great, but here are some more reasons why artificial grass might be your next project:

Low Maintenance – Unlike natural grass, a synthetic lawn doesn’t need constant watering, weeding or mowing, freeing up a lot of time.
Eco-Friendly – Artificial grass actively helps the environment as it reduces water and energy usage and there’s no need for fertilisers.
No Mess – During those rainy months you won’t have to worry about mud being walked into your home.

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