• February 28, 2017
    • 2336
    Apple Pancake

    Apple Pancake

    Happy Apple Pancake Day! - Have a go at this easy, yet scrummy, apple pancake recipe. Ingredients > Two tablespoons of butter salted or lightly salted > Three apples, cored, peeled and sliced to preference > Half a teaspoon cinnamon > Quater of a cup of brown sugar > Three large eggs > Half cupÂ
    • February 27, 2017
    • 3360
    Name The Dog Prize Draw

    Name The Dog Prize Draw

    WINNER - Jennifer of Dinton, Salisbury who chose Oscar as the name for our Dog. Great Choice! CLOSED Thanks to those that participated.... 🙂 Our new Boiler TV Ad introduced a new family but the star of the show was clearly the dog. So let's have a bit of fun and find a name for
    • February 2, 2017
    • 1964
    Replacement Boiler TV AD

    Replacement Boiler TV AD

    February 2017 saw the launch of our replacement boiler tv advert on ITV. We are really pleased with the continuation of bold animation with some really good subtle detail throughout. The new family in the ad are great, complete with a dog that pretty much has the lead role. (No Pun Intended, honest!!!!) In short
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